Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Homemade Soup Is Bitter.what Do I Do?

Sunday versus white. First bad news

thought to have gone to spend the morning at the field, and so have a look at my house that I have closed since before I travel to Mexico. At eight o'clock he was already standing, dressing and preparing a delicious breakfast to endure the chilly morning.

At nine o'clock, when he was making the bed call me by phone. My friend, let's call sparrow, which has the keys to my house, and is what controls me everything's OK, I called to tell me that "do not ever come, that is a hell of snow and still snowing."

My joy in a well, still boot to the top with the tree and the Christmas decorations, and the occasional bag of clothes that here in Madrid I hardly get, and I took her there to tinker around the field and in the garden.

Nothing, plays at home Sunday Today. Have you not noticed how long that can be stuck at home on a Sunday? There are many things to do, to washing machines, hanging clothes, gathering rooms, reading ... all, but do not even think to put on TV, why, and see that the tdt there are plenty of channels, there is nothing safe to lie in the eye!.

About ten o'clock began to fall about copillos. Well, it was funny, snowing again. My mother got up, and since I had to lower the car to pick up my phone again that the company has given me the work make sense, and with the head so clueless that I have I left it on Friday in the trunk, took the opportunity to go to buy bread and not go out.

Well, as usual, until RosaAmarilla little snow hits the streets. My mother that snow!. Anyway I do not want to complain. I enjoyed it. I went to the garage to pick up the phone and back, instead of going to buy bread at the nearest site, I felt like giving me a tour of the neighborhood. I left the umbrella closed, I have become hood of the coat, I let snow fall on my face. I liked the feeling. Relaxed me, made me think of other times, has made me smile. The snow is accurate, so delicate, so soft, yet dangerous, slippery. If you stop to think, are the same as personal relationships.
I returned home
icy cold and wet, but relaxed and smiling. And with a loaf of bread from a place that had never known in the neighborhood. I've spent years on it, since I was born taitantos ago, and it is curious that there are still places waiting to be discovered.
Now, one Sunday after Sunday, I am here before Screen writing my experiences with you with chocolate I brought from Mexico. What tomorrow holds for me the day? I have a beautiful layer of ice in front of the stairs in my house? I'll tell you. Indeed, the picture is the tree this morning at the entrance of the garden.


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